Santa Clara University
Communication Department
High School Journalism Competition
The competition honors exceptional work by high school journalists covering news, features and sports.
Competition Rules
Deadline: June 1, 2016
For stories completed May 2015 — May 2016
Entry Requirements
• Applicants must be full-time high school students during the 2015-2016 academic year.
• One entry per person.
• Stories should be written by one author; multiple bylines are not accepted.
• Print entries must include the original tearsheets of the story, packaged as neatly as possible, plus one photocopy.
• Online stories must include one copy of the story printed from the web and include the URL for the story on the copy.
• A copy of the official entry form must be attached to the copy of the entry; the form may be photocopied.
• Email entries with attachments are not accepted.
• Editorials, reviews, and personal essays are not accepted. All stories should include original reporting and research.
• Stories must be at least 200 words in length.
• No more than ten total stories from each high school.
• A 1st Place Award will be presented in each of the three categories: News, Features, and Sports.
• At the discretion of the Review Committee, an honorable mention may be awarded.
• The Review Committee reserves the right not to present an award.
Entry Form
Deadline: June 1, 2016
For stories completed May 2015 — May 2016
High School Name:
High School Address:
Journalism Teacher/Advisor (If Applicable):
Journalism Teacher/Adviser Telephone:
Journalism Teacher/Adviser Email:
Name of Publication:
Title of Entry:
Category (Check One): News Feature Sports
Date of Publication:
• Print entries must include the original tear sheets of the story, packaged as neatly as possible, plus one photocopy.
• Online stories must include one hard copy of the story printed from the web and include the URL for the story on each copy.
• A copy of this entry form must be attached to all tearsheets and copies of the entry; this form may be photocopied.
• Email entries with attachments are not accepted.
Send materials to:
High School Journalism Competition
Communication Department
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053